Yanshi XU

Binary Search

Binary Search Binary Search is a searching algorithm used in a sorted array by repeatedly dividing the search interval in half. The idea of binary search is to use the information that the array i...

Merge Sort

Preparation Same with the preparation of quick sort. Merge Sort The Merge Sort algorithm is a sorting algorithm that is based on the Divide and Conquer paradigm. In this algorithm, the array is ...

LeetCode 47. Permutations II

LeetCode 47. Permutations II (全排列 II) Given a collection of numbers, nums, that might contain duplicates, return all possible unique permutations in any order. Example 1: Input: nums = [1,1,2] O...

COVID-19 感染情况

Time Status Dec 12, 2022 舍友出现阳性,我暂无异常 Dec 13 - 14 一直嗓子疼但是没发烧,间歇性的头晕 Dec 15 今天开始发烧 38.4 度,睡了一下午。吃了一粒布洛芬,晚...

Quick Sort

Quicksort is an efficient, general-purpose sorting algorithm. Of course, we could sort arrays with Standard Library or STL simply and quickly. However, sorting is a FAQ in interviews for a job. I w...

Writing Furigana With Markdown

There are millions of Japanese language learners such as me all over the world. Kanji (漢字) are the logographic Chinese characters taken from the Chinese script and used in the writing of Japanese. ...

Traumatized by Covid, but Ruled by a Party That Never Apologizes

Gripped with grief, anxiety and depression, many in China want a national reckoning over the hard-line “zero Covid” policy. Holding the government to account may be a quixotic quest. Dec. 15, 20...

LeetCode Biweekly Contest 90

Contest 1. Odd String Difference Question(Easy) You are given an array of equal-length strings words. Assume that the length of each string is n. Each string words[i] can be converted into a di...

LeetCode Weekly/Biweekly Contest 000

Contest Q1 (Easy) You are given an balabla. My solution during the contest Better solution Q2 (Middle) You are given an balabla. My solution during the contest Better solution Q3...

Test Post

Test Post It’s my first post.